Friday, November 2, 2007

Halloween Fun!

I started this post almost a month ago now. Oh well!

This Halloween seemed a lot better than last because Winter seemed to understand a little more. Let me tell you, she gets the candy bit!! We started out by going downtown with our friends Mary and Dane. Mary and I planed ahead and Winter and Dane were both dressed as M&M's. He was the blue one and Winter was the green one. After we finished there, we had a quick supper at McDonalds and then went to church. We did something a little different this year and had a trunk-or-treat at the church. There were lots of trunks with treats in them and all of the kids who came seemed to have a great time. It was fun to see the other kids in their costumes. Especially the little ones!!! Anyway, I hope you enjoy the pictures as much as I enjoyed taking them!!

Winter is doing well. I took some advice from a friend's blog and have started a potty chart with her. When she is dry and goes in the potty, she gets a sticker. If she is wet, then we mark one off. The first day went REALLY well and she wasn't wet at all. I guess that was the newness of the situation. We went on and off for a couple of days and yesterday when she was wet, she cried when I marked out a sticker. Anyway, she finally got two rows filled and will get a prize. So, that seems to be working well...thank you Kara!!

I guess all the eventful things come from Winter. I try to remember everything she says and does, because most of it is way funny, but I can't get it all. One thing though...she's so silly and trying to be funny! In the mornings she will get our shoes. It is a thing with her I guess. Anyway, even if I'm not ready, she will get mine first and then William will ask her to get his boots. This morning she gave him one boot and then ran off with the other. It was cute. William and I laugh about it, so I guess that is why she does it.

Well that is about all for us right now. I'm doing okay. I fight with the sickness in the evenings, but that is getting better. Just can't wait to find out what we are having. That is a long while away though. Oh well.

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