Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Should we be teaching her the difference already???

Okay, this is the prefect post to come after the streaking one!

First off, I need to explain that I have been teaching the abstinence program (some call it Virginity rules) to some of my classes. One of the things we talked about was keeping all of your clothes on all the way, all of the time. After about 2 weeks of teaching that, we are at Lane and Mary's house for dinner and 42 when Winter and Dane decided to take their shirts off. Win came running in from the other room half naked and we had to explain to her that girls can take their shirts off but boys can. After a few minutes of eating ice cream, we heard Dane trying to get Win to take her shirt off. I will say for Winter that she kept telling him that "Mommy said not to" because she didn't want to get in trouble.
However, the best part of the night was when Lane overheard Winter tell Dane "If you will stop asking I will take my shirt off!" We almost hit the floor!! I know at 9 or 10 or even 5 or 6 it won't be funny anymore. But at 3, she doesn't really get it. Thankfully she's still innocent!

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