Monday, March 2, 2009

My Sweet Winter

Win has had her struggles with behavior. But last night at small groups, she made up for it! We were talking about Love and how God is love. Win was actually listening. She piped up and said (my dad was leading the discussion)"Pop, that is just like this song I was just singing!" and she started to sing; "This is my comandment that you love one another that your joy may be full!" This is a song that is on a Veggie Tales cd that we listen to regularly. So, I guess we are doing something right then! I know Win isn't perfect, but there are some times when I thank God that I have her!


Shiann Metheny said...

Thanks for sharing this! I found it at just the right time and needed it immensely!

Shiann Metheny said...

That's one special chica!