Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Happenings as of Late

I haven't posted in a few days or weeks (I can't remember because the days run together after a while) so I thought I would share some random things I can remember! (The memory is going too!! If I don't make a schedule on my bulletin board at school for the week, I have NO CLUE what we are doing and where we are!)

1. Winter got up from her nap on Sunday afternoon and it was SO very funny. She has a Thomas track thing that plays circus music. I heard her hit the button and then come out of her room. The look on her face, it was PRICELESS!! The music should come with a happy face, but not that day! Her hair was EVERYWHERE and her face....the look on her face was "Don't talk to me, I'm in a very, very bad mood!" I wish I would have had a camera!

2. Prom...don't ever be a prom sponsor and be 7, almost 8 months pregnant at the same time!

3. Do girls come out of the womb with the instinct that daddy has the money? We were at Auto Zone, only Win and I, and I bought her a coke. The clerk asked her if she would like Mommy's change and she stated "No, that is Mommy's money. I get my money from my daddy!" She was very matter of fact about it and quite serious. WOW!! We have a lot of training to do!!

4. Winter has said on several occasions "Momma, I want my bruver (brother)." Every time, I have to explain to her that Max will be here soon and that we are all ready for him to be here.

5. After I read what Kara had to say about Peyton's birth and what Fridays are like at their house, I became a little frightened and anxious. I'm sure everything will go fine, but the anticipation is starting to get to me. As you can tell from the top of my blog, from today anyway, only 62 days to go. That means 2 pay checks (for me anyway), less than 6 weeks left in school, ONE week until Science TAKS test...there are so many things between now and then. I guess if I keep thinking of staying busy, I will be okay!

I know there are more things that I would like to share, but I can't think of them right now. "Placenta brain", as my friend Angela has called it, has set in BIG TIME.

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