Friday, June 15, 2007

Any Suggestions???

Okay, I am having some troubles with Winter. She's a smart kid, so we thought potty training would be easy for her. She understands what it means to go potty and says that she wants to go, but lately when I take her, she cries that she doesn't want to go! I'm so frustrated with her!! I know, she's only 2....but I guess I'm used to everything happening right now. I asked her yesterday why she wouldn't go in the potty and she said "'Cause I can go in my diaper". Does that mean she's not ready? Can anyone help me out? Am I'm stressing too much? Will peer pressure and routine help when she's back at school in August? HELP PLEASE!!


Unknown said...

Ugh. Potty training. Our babysitter told us that we should start with Elizabeth, and I think this is the worst part of parenting so far! What a pain. It's funny that you said that because at Christmastime E wanted to go on the potty all the time and then wanted nothing to do with it for 3-4 months. So we didn't push. I have heard several strategies; maybe one of them will work for you:

1. Making a HUGE deal out of it when they do go.
2. Put them in their panties all day and just let them wet themselves until they understand.
3. Let them run naked in the backyard for several days and learn when they have gone.
4. Take them to the bathroom every 20 minutes one day, then every 30 minutes the next, then every hour the next--until their bladder has built up.
5. Giving them chocolate after they do go.

Who knows what will work?!! I think all kids are different. I have a nephew who's over 3 and he still isn't pottytrained. I think it's different with everyone. Good luck! I'll let you go how it's going with us. Cheers!

Shiann Metheny said...

You'll figure it out! At least you'll have some funny stories. They may not be funny for you for awhile, though!